Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Horror of Antarctic Part 1

The guard look upon the sea, as far as he seen it's quiet like a vacation on night, or a night travel where he visit a hundred years bay on Antarctica. Here comes the large wave the ocean rampage in every two hours it's four meters height with the wind about 90 km/h. United States had presented a new device that connected to Van Halley system who can turn the magnet the device was on northern pole and southern pole where it's both linked. Commander Lombard said to the guards "Where had you been? You should be here about three hours..." No-one there the commander run to the post guard where a bunch of guards killed their body eaten by insect but there's no insect at Antarctica, so who's the hell did that? Lombard connect his Walkie-Talkie to the main HQ "The wave, it's high it killed our comrades. Go to sector 7 bring Crowe, Alan, Humphrey, and Valianchuk! Are you listen to me on radio 9, Sergeant Dimitry?" Lombard take his gun, but when he touch his pocket there's nothing it's just a pebble with 6 cm diameter the key to survive is that pebble and a lightener that can hold enough long. The signal lost immediately Lombard feel scared he's courage devoured by his scar when a Albatross fly on the post then come to the communication room the wing knocked the window when he open the window the Albatross fly away and his feet touched by some little fingers he's about to cry and yield but the little finger suddenly climb on his feet perhaps it's just his feeling but hell! Lombard's nose entered by an insect like spider, ant, and flies he felt down he's knocked then he's dying if Corporal Mich don't took him, Mich take him alone to the upper level when it's safe but the aura of the monster his heart beat fast his body fells unconscious he's panic he fell he's not live again he throw Lombard, Lombard fall to the rocks...

To be continued...

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